This summer has been so busy!! In June my sister finally made her way to Utah it had been 3 year since I seen her!! I was so excited to see her! I finally got to meet my cute little niece Charlie she is such a nut!!
Me and my Tuna Bug! I can't believe how grown up his is! It made me a sad Auntie to see how big he has gotten! Time goes by way to fast!
I got to watch Reese for 1 week while my sister and her husband were in Colombia. Blain had so much fun with Reese. They shared a room and every morning Reese would wake up with him and give him toys and books in the crib and sit and play! Reese is such a good cousin to Blain and he adores her so much. It wasn't a bad deal either cause my brother in law bought me a HARRY POTTER LEGO QUIDDITCH set I was pretty excited for that! I will post picture once I've put them together!
Me and my sweet Char Char! She is such a funny girl it was hard to be angry with her cause she has such a sweet voice and makes everything sound so cute! I wish she was here so I could give her some nummys.
Me and my Sister! She is my bestest friend! I honestly don't know what I would do without her she always knows what to say to make things better even if its things I don't want to hear! I hope I don't have to go another 3 years with out seeing her beautiful face! Thank heaven for unlimited texting and talking!
Me and the Har! I miss this little boys giggles they can put a smile on anyones face. I had so much fun getting to know Harry better! I even got him to give me a hug once or twice!
Making a giant mess with Nana's newspaper!! The cousin had such a fun time being together!
Playing in the water at Nana's!
This boy loved to swing in Blains baby almost broke your back putting him in there but to see the smile and joy on his face was worth it!
Dang I make cute babies! Love my baby Blain!!
Blain and Papa watching the marching band! We went to 4 parades this summer, Lehi Round is a family tradition. We also went to the 24th of July parade in Spanish Fork it was amazing they tried to reenact the 2000 stripling warriors, I don't think they had 2,000 young men but it was pretty close it was so touching see so many worthy young men marching down the street. That was one of the best parades I've been too!
Blain was pushing Charlie on the car and she was screaming and crying and saying "no baby". Their fights were so funny sometimes, Blain would always steal Charlie's pacifier and she would scream and cry, then turn around and still Blains and think it was a funny game it made me laugh.....then I got tired of it and would hide the pacifier's from them. That thing has become a curse! There is more to our summer fun but I'm going to save that for another post!